Friday, June 26, 2009

Good Morning to the Cranky Baby

Well, I woke up well rested this morning, due to the cleaning I did yesterday. But not Mr. Michael......he woke up on the wrong side of the crib. Every little thing seemed to annoy him. So right now- he is Napping. I am taking a break from my continuation of Summer cleaning to blog.

My To-Do List for today (in case you were wondering)

Clean the Grout in the bathroom
Clean My bedroom floor by hand (no mops or swiffer cleaners)
Do the Dishes
Clean Kitchen Counters
Clean the sheets on the extra bed
recycle the empty cans on the porch
Clean the old infant car seat to give to a friend
Clean Michael's current car seat as there are crumbs in it
Put all the clothes that do not fit Michael into a rubbermaid to consign in Aug
Fold the other 2 baskets of clean clothes
Make homemade cookie dough and put in fridge to chill overnight
Clean off the front porch (still covered in pollen)
Vacuum Michael's room
Febreeze All Chairs and the Couch
Clean the TV screen of sticky hand prints
Dust the blinds on the windows

Lots to Do, not sure how much will happen. I did leave off stuff I've already done- Like washing the clothes I need to fold, and putting the cloth from the car seats into the washer and starting them. and some other things

Well, Sunday 3 of my siblings leave for Summer Camp with our church, and only 2 will be home (next door to me) hello quiet week =)

and one of my friends may come over tomorrow =) so that would be fun.

OH! badish annoying thing. A guy friend of mine wanted to hang out (even though he knows I'm not single) and hes known me for forever, so he knows how I feel about hanging out with my single guys friends (especially one as perverted as him) when I'm not single. If I was- I would go over and hang out (provided someone would watch Michael) but I'm not single, so you know I won't, so please quit asking me. K? it's almost as annoying as the creeper asking me out in 10th grade *shudders* I don't have a problem with a significant other doing it, and its not that I don't trust myself. But I just don't like being with single guys when I'm not. Maybe I'm broken? Or maybe I just want that guy to feel special. That he is the only guy I hang out with. Because feeling special is nice =)

Okay. I may put more up later. Its time to go check the grout. someone told me to try a mix of baking powder and water for 30 minutes to clean the floor and I tested it on a small part. Must go check it.

Hearts and Kisses


Friday, June 19, 2009

A new day. Joy abound.

So I woke up this morning at 6:30am. The first thing I did was grab my trusty iPod, check the status of my UPS package, and then do a happy dance (well, as best as I could wrapped in my comforter) because my order was to get here today! Yay! And then I had a cookie and went back to sleep.

Woke up again at 8:30 when michael woke up. He hit me with pacifier when I went into his room. But we got up, had breakfast, and sat around, waiting on my package.

11:09- Its HERE! I grab my package from my grandfather (because the idiotic driver brought it to HIS front door instead of mine), and rush to my bedroom to try on my new bras. LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! Love doesn't even describe it. *sigh* I can die happy now.

Naptime. Michael is down for a nap, and my grandfather keeps an ear out via baby moniter so I can run to the store for a few minutes. I had a brilliant idea, and needed some stuff. If my idea works, there will be pictures.

So now I'm cleaning. Not much fun. And the people I want to talk to won't answer phones or get online. So that is my pathetic life so far today. I hope everyone had fun last night that actually went somewhere.....which was really everyone but me, save a few people that wanted to stay home. But I would like to go out sometimes too, lol. I'm not as...prudish and hermit-ish as I seem

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Well, today was interesting. When I woke up this morning, per most mornings lately, I was incredibly sore, and I can't explain it. But anyway, my adorable 16 month old woke up ready to go, so after we consumed breakfast michael (my little one) having eggs, and me having shredded wheat (bleh!!!!) we heading off to the store.

Going to the store is interesting enough already without michael, add him to it, and it's like the circus is going through our local publix. So, promptly at our arrival to the store, michael starts bouncing in his seat, he is ready to go in. He knows publix, and knows that he gets a free cookie from the bakery. So we go in and my little sister who tagged along pushes michael as we head to the bakery. Get the cookie. And move along. Everything is going fine, everything is fine, and then it happened. We ran out of cookie. Bring the temper tantrum in 3-2-1... Yeah. That was fun. 20 frantic seconds later I find my house keys (which are actually about 15 keychains and 1 key) and placate him by allowing him to use them as a rattle. Finally, we get home

Nap time. Immediantly after he lays down, I start cooking my grandmothers sugar cookie recipe. And 2 hours later, they suprisingly ended up good! Dispite my not so good cooking skills. Well... I'm not really sure if they are good or not. My family say they are, but family lies to make you feel better. They also told me I sing well. *Phhhhppp* I'm literally rolling laughing. But I haven't found someone who I willing to try everything on the face of the planet and give me a flat out honest opinion on my cooking. But the cookies were good. Tasted exactlly like they did when my mom used to make them

Wake up!! So when he woke up, we went to my parents, and brought them some cookies, one for each parent, and one for each sibling, 7 cookies (yes, I have 5 siblings, and they are younger) so we played for awhile, let michael be smothered by his aunts and uncles, and came back down.

Dinner! (I forgot to write about lunch, but I did feed him) so lately, he doesn't like to eat with me watching... Wierd. So I took this oppurtunity to facebook. And the phone rings. Ever have that person that you don't see for a year, you briefly wonder how they are doing, and then you realize that they never talked to you anyway do there's no point in wondering? Well, today someone called, someone I haven't talked to in... 3 1/2 years. Geeze. Say hello to the freshman crush. The infatuation I had for 2 years. My life was pathetic. Ask my friends. So somehow he got my number from a friend who may not be my friend much longer. And wanted to "talk" and "catch up" I was still in shock that he called. I did get off the phone quickly though, after only about 5 minutes. Because, I mean, I have a boyfriend, and it seemed really wierd to talk to a guy I used to crush on (who I now wonder why I liked in the first place!!) but I'm still wierded out that he called. He told me he liked me once in high school. but never acted on it. Wierd. Very wierd. And then my creepy stalker friend requested me AGAIN. denied.

so dinner is over, and we decide to watch happy feet and I become tickled to death when my son pushes a chair from the dining room to the living room and gets me to sit him on it, next to me in my rocker. He proceeded to sit there for close to 45 minutes, watching the movie with me =) then spent the rest of time before bed bringing me his favorite toys, honking my nose and getting me to make the "train sound" which sends him into a fit of giggling.

Oh! So my grandad told me I had enough money to take an advance class I need, so I blew $80 on 2 new bras (which I did actually need) and then found out that the class is, yeah, you guessed it, $80 more than I have in savings. ....grrrr

We may be getting an above ground pool in our yard. I tried to persuade my grandfather toward a in-ground pool, but he is dead set on the tacky cheap pool. I mean, it's still great for swimming, just looks horrible, if our area didn't look redneck enough, with our metal barrel to burn trash, buses in the neighbors yard to hold hay for his horses, and the occasional escape of the neighbors donkey into our yard, well, it will after this.

Well, that's about all I can think of.... Oh! I have a new obsession with these chips. They are tomato ranch baked chips by flat earth and they are AMAZING!!!

Bedtime for him. Blogging for me. All my friends are out on a giant group date, or at school, or out of the country, or sleepy, or asleep because they also have young children. LOL. so I shall go read a book or something. Haha. Mabye watch my big fat greek wedding so I can laugh at it. So funny. So Hollywood fake. But still funny

<3 me.